Rainbow Friends 2

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5 stars (1votes)

The game is an addition to the main adventure in the Roblox universe. Everyone can cope with the task. The main thing is to react in time and make the right choice.


Despite their cute enough name, the creatures in the game can not be called friends. They want to destroy the main characters. At the slightest opportunity, they will kill a gaping traveler and will not experience the slightest pity.
After starting, the user will see a mysterious room in front of him, in which there is a large number of objects. Don’t try to take every one. The main task is to find a specific object. Finding out which one is easy enough. There is a hint at the top of the screen.
There are a lot of rooms in a gloomy building. You need to explore everything, because. in addition, the gamer needs to find some more toys. And thus complete your task 100%.
Don’t forget. That in the building, in addition to the main character, there may be other, not at all friendly creatures. If the player is not lucky, one of them will overtake him and destroy him. In this regard, you should not stay in one place for a long time. It is better to constantly move around different rooms and look for important items.

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